Guest Insight

Apartmentite“a person who dwells in an apartment” (Urban Dictionary)

guest insight

Guest Apartmentite: Xiaoming Huang

Job Title: Stock Broker, PhillipCapital Australia

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Where is your apartment?

Docklands, Melbourne

How many apartments are in your development?


How does living in apartment suit your lifestyle?

It is perfect for me because as a single professional female there is very little maintenance and no gardening. Also, I enjoy a higher level of security in my building because there is restricted access to my level.

In your opinion, what are the two biggest ‘problems’ with apartments or apartment-living?

1. I have to be conscious of how loud I play music in my apartment and at what time of day/night due to the close proximity of neighbouring apartments; and

2. A down side is that due to the size of my apartment balcony, I can’t hold big get-togethers or BBQs with lots of friends. There are common areas but its inconvenient and less private to use them.


Any further questions, please contact a member of our Owners Corporation team.