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Owners Corporations / Owners Corporations & Strata

Investigations into building wide issues like leaks from flexi hoses

An apartment in our building had a major leak, causing significant damage to other lots. An insurance claim was lodged to cover the damage. The owners corporation (OC) now wants individual owners to arrange a plumber inspection of their flexi hoses, or they will arrange the inspection and complete any required work. Although this involves entering owner’s lots, the action significantly mitigates the risk of a major leak happening again. Preventative steps prove to our...
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Owners Corporations / Owners Corporations & Strata

If there’s a leak from upstairs, does the owners corporation get involved?

Initially, it’s prudent for the owners corporation to seek expert advice to ensure common property is not the cause or that common property is not being affected. If you’re the unit owner downstairs, your first action should be to advise the owners corporation or the strata manager of what has occurred. The owners corporation does not need to get involved in matters that are disputes between lot owners for water ingress. It is up to...
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Employment Law / Small to Medium Enterprises / Start-ups & Emerging Enterprises

Employment Law updates unpacked: What every employer needs to know

The changes to come into effect will impact workplaces nationwide, necessitating employers’ understanding of their implications. This article provides an overview of the upcoming changes.  AS OF 1 JULY 2024 Wages and Superannuation Each year, the Fair Work Commission reviews both the National Minimum Wage and minimum pay rates under modern awards. National Minimum wage will increase by 3.75% and will be $915.90 per week or $24.10 per hour. The Fair Work Commission has announced...
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Wills, Estates & Probate

Sporting Injuries, Head trauma and planning for the worst.

Gone are the days where someone was told to ‘get on with it’, if they suffered a knock to the head during competition, which rendered them dazed and confused.  We have seen prominent AFL, NRL and former Socceroos in recent times dealing with head trauma and concussion.  However, head trauma and concussions are not exclusive to these sports.  In February 2019 a position statement was released under an initiative by the Australian Institute of Sport,...
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