May is Family Violence Prevention Month: Who should you contact?
Family violence can take many forms. It can be physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and psychological. Regardless of the type, family violence is never acceptable.
Unfortunately, the breakdown of a relationship and separation is a time of increased risk of family violence.
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing family violence, or is at risk of family violence, we recommend reaching out to the following services for support:
- Safe Steps
Safe Steps is Victoria’s 24/7 Family Violence Response Centre.
Safe Steps can be contacted day or night on 1800 015 188. This number is their support line where you will speak with a family violence crisis specialist to help you understand your risks and explore options to increase your safety.
During a call, depending on your individual needs, the crisis specialist can:
- Arrange safety measures to ensure you are safe at home should you decide to stay.
- Help to arrange crisis accommodation if you are at risk, and you are unable to stay at your home.
- Connect you with legal services and/or counselling services who can assist you moving forward.
- The Orange Door
The Orange Door is a service that can be accessed in person or over the phone and does not require a referral.
The aim of The Orange Door is to provide accessible, safe, and quick and simple access to support for adults, children and young people experiencing family violence. The Orange Door also assist families and perpetrators of family violence.
Unlike Safe Steps, The Orange Door is not a 24/7 service. To access support, you can contact The Orange Door directly and speak with someone over the phone, call to arrange an appointment or walk into The Orange Door in your area. Once contacted The Orange Door will (depending on what is required) assist you with a risk and needs assessment, safety planning and crisis support.
- Women’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE)
WIRE is a service available to all women, non-binary and gender diverse people across Victoria. It offers information, advice, support, and referrals on a range of issues including family violence support.
At WIRE you do not need an appointment and their services are available by visiting a walk-in centre or calling their Phone Support Line on 1300 134 130.
- Men’s Referral Service
Men’s Referral Service can be accessed by contacting 1300 766 491. Once called, you can remain anonymous if you wish. The Men’s Referral Service will then have a conversation with you, help with short term solutions (if they can), and direct you to supports that can help you longer term.
Men’s Referral Service is available to the following:
- Men – who may have or may still be behaving abusively.
- Family Members – who may be impacted by the abusive behaviour.
- Friends, family, or colleagues – who may be using or experiencing family violence and wish to understand how to provide support to others.
- Professionals – who are wanting to better support a client who they know is behaving abusively or experiencing family violence.
- White Ribbon Australia
White Ribbon Australia is a global social movement working to engage men and boys to eliminate gendered violence. It works with many other organisations to end men’s violence against women.
While White Ribbon Australia is not a specific service, its website provides a range of help lines and support services specific to your location.
While the above are all useful services, if you are in immediate risk, you should contact 000 for assistance.
If the above raises any questions for you, or you are currently experiencing family violence following a breakdown of your relationship or separation and require family law assistance, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the TLFC family law team and we will be happy to assist you.
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