The VCAT found that the lot owner managers:

  • Received a fee for their management services to the Owners Corporation;
  • Were not registered;
  • Were not appointed under a contract of appointment;
  • Raised fees from lot owners not based on lot liability.

The VCAT resolved the matter by declaring that the Owners Corporation must convene a special general meeting to:

  • Accept the existing unregistered managers’ resignation;
  • Discuss whether to appoint a registered manager or whether to self-manage by a committee of no less than three lot owners;
  • To nominate signatories to the Owners Corporation’s account;
  • To seek legal advice on whether the Owners Corporation should recover management fee paid to the unregistered managers since 2007; and
  • Whether to appoint an independent auditor.

CASE REFERENCE: Lentini v Brien (Owners Corporations) [2014] VCAT 814 (9 July 2014)

Tisher Liner FC Law has a dedicated Owners Corporation Law division committed to providing quality legal advice and representation to Owners Corporations, Committees, Lot Owners and Managers.