Read on for our 2019 blog highlights.

The Sun Sets on Developer Rights

PROPERTY LAW Following lengthy discussions in 2018, The Sale of Land Amendment Bill 2019 passed through the Parliament. The new Sunset Provisions will give greater power to purchasers in off-the-plans contracts. The amendments will severely limit the right of developers to cancel contracts that have extended past their ‘sunset periods’.

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Security of Payments Act Lessons from 2019

CONSTRUCTION LAW   Our construction industry continues to develop and refine its practices in line with the Building and Construction Security of Payment Act (“SOP Act”). In this blog, we highlight some of the key lessons that our growing construction team has learnt during 2019.

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How the Lacrosse Tower fire prompted a shake-up of the Australian Building and Construction Industry

OWNERS CORPORATION LAW   This blog and the attached pdf summarises the 24 recommendations presented in the report and the goals they aim to achieve. The recommendations are framed as a nationally consistent approach to ensure that reliable and transparent processes are implemented in the industry and that the industry begins to recover its levels of trustworthiness.

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Urgent Legal Update: New Statements of Information just released

REAL ESTATE LAW  Tisher Liner FC Law were consulted by Consumer Affairs Victoria in respect to their review of Statements of Information, guidelines for selecting comparable properties and their online frequently asked questions. As a result of feedback from our office and others, Consumer Affairs Victoria have made some changes to these documents. A couple of major changes are outlined in this blog.

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Time’s up, but can I still issue property proceedings?

FAMILY LAW  There are deadlines in place for issuing Court proceedings across all areas of the law and Family Law is no exception. Those deadlines exist for good reason. But what do you do when the deadline has passed and you realise that you need the Court’s assistance to resolve a dispute as to the division of your and your former partner’s interests in property?

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De Facto: A Threshold Question

FAMILY LAW  Many people think that you’re only in a ‘de facto relationship’ if you have lived with your intimate partner, under the one roof, for at least two years. Unfortunately it is not always that clear cut. The meaning of ‘de facto’ can be somewhat grey and ultimately subject to the discretion of the Court. This blog provides a little clarity on the matter.

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When contracts end: The perils of miscommunication and misunderstanding

COMMERCIAL LAW  Parties who fail to clearly assert their rights can often face unexpected consequences. Our Commercial Team advises on the importance of being clear and consistent in contractual dealings, particularly when a contract is being brought to an end.

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Thinking of buying or selling a Rent Roll?

COMMERCIAL LAW   Buying any business can be a complicated process. However, rent rolls are regulated by the Estate Agent’s Act and it is important that the contract to buy or sell the rent roll is done properly. As a purchaser, you must ensure that you know exactly what you are buying.

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Tax-Deductible Gifts and Public Recognition

CHARITY LAW   A donor who donates to a DGR may be entitled to a tax deduction even where the donor receives public recognition in return for the donation. Typically, when a donor donates funds to an entity that is endorsed as a tax-deductible gift recipient (DGR), the donor is entitled to receive in return a tax-deductible receipt for the amount of the donation.

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Capital Raising: 5 Key Tips from the Minds of Lawyers, Entrepreneurs and Investors

START-UPS AND SME’S   Given the rapid growth of technological and entrepreneurial advancements around the globe, the right head-start certainly plays a key role in preparing you for the obstacles on the journey to success, and often can be a key determinant in who comes out on top in this entrepreneurial age. As you move towards the capital raising stage, it is important to keep these five key things in mind to lower that stress and move from strength to strength.

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The material contained in this publication is meant to be informational only and is not to be construed as legal advice. Tisher Liner FC Law will not be held liable or responsible for any claim, which is made as a result of any person relying upon the information contained in this publication.