Paul’s experience in the area of Wills, Estates, Trusts and Guardianship, has helped guide his clients through the most difficult of personal times, whilst remaining focused on achieving the best possible outcome for his clients.  This includes anything from dealing with sibling disputes in estate litigation (Part IV claims) over a deceased parent’s Will, to preparing a Special Disability Trust, or advising on the creation of a complex testamentary trust for minor children and grandchildren.

Paul provides advice for simple ‘mum and dad’ Wills, to large scale family succession plans that incorporate various family trusts and businesses.  His aim is to be able to help his clients to demystify and understand the complexities and nuances of estate law as it applies to their circumstances in plain English.  Paul has previously worked for a large trustee organisation and has achieved much success for his clients running numerous estate and trust matters in the Supreme and County Courts of Victoria, as well as the Guardianship List in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Paul also prepares and provides advice on enduring and medical Powers of Attorney, as well as personal financial administrative matters for people under a disability, at VCAT.

Paul’s also experience extends to:

–  Preparation of and advice on Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney;

–  Acting for both Executors and claimants in estate claims (Part IV Claims in Victoria);

–  Acting on behalf of beneficiaries in protecting their interest in an estate, or trust (Part IV Claims and Trust litigation);

–  Contesting the validity of Wills (lack of capacity);

–  Contesting Powers of Attorney at VCAT;

–  Applying for personal orders regarding financial administration and guardianship at VCAT for   persons with a disability;

–  Contesting the construction of the terms of a Will on behalf of beneficiaries;

–  Disputes over the administration of estates on behalf of beneficiaries and executors;

–  Removing and appointing executors of Wills and estates;

–  Removing and appointing financial Attorneys and administrators;

–  Recovery of assets on behalf the estate;

–  Applying for Caveats over Probate;

–  Preparing Deeds of Family Arrangement and Terms of Settlement


Wills and Estates is not a ‘one size – fits all’ approach.  Everyone’s case is different, and their stories must be heard.  Not everything your client tells you may be relevant in that client’s case in the eyes of the law, but it may be relevant to that client.  There are also things which are relevant to your client’s case, which may be things your client hasn’t told you, because they don’t think it’s relevant.  Helping the client understand this, and why, is the greatest task any lawyer, practicing in any area of law, is faced with on a day to day basis.  Add to this an emotional element, which always exists in estate matters, and it significantly increases the difficulty of the task. You need to take on a quasi therapist role at times in order to get the information you need from the client.  Clients may not like what you tell them, but it’s not your job to tell them what they want to hear.  It’s about what they need to hear, how to deal with it and the possible outcomes.”

Paul Traianedes.


The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity
- Amelia Earhart

Qualifications & Industry Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts (La Trobe)
  • Bachelor of Laws (La Trobe)
  • Graduate Diploma (RMIT)
  • Member of the Law Institute of Victoria
  • Tribunal Member – Football Victoria

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Wills, Estates & Probate

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Wills, Estates & Probate

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